Monday, December 27, 2010

Tentative workout Tuesday(pending interest) and maybe a group run at Mundy Pk. on Thursday. I'll update with times if there are plans made.
Will be interesting to see who shows up & in what kind of shape on Saturday.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

See you at the Boxing Day 10's a tradition.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Just in case there are a few people here who don't troll, and haven't seen this yet:

Or, if you'd prefer it without the dramatic music and captions:

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The future's so bright.....

Looks a little more like I'm off to rob a bank than go for a run!

Things are still going slowly. I will add a workout for Wed. at Burnaby Lake(5pm) if I hear people are interested. Sunday workout/run at Stanley Pk instead of Saturday.

In the new year the schedule will be Tue., Thurs., Sat.. Tue. on the track at UBC(5pm-provided Marek is still good with that), Thurs. none-formal but perhaps Burnaby Lk or Mundy Pk. & Sat. the usual at Stanley Pk(9:30am).

Monday, December 13, 2010

Tis the Season

To chill out, set new goals, recover & start building.
Obviously that building thing is going rather slowly(that's OK) at this point with the lack of regular group workouts. It will come.

Saturday brunch at Kristina's after the workout on Sat.. Maybe we can all discuss availablities & preferences for weekday(evening) workouts.

Monday, December 6, 2010

BIG thanks to Richard Lee

It was a huge day for us in Sacramento today, the cumulation of 13 weeks of hard work, not just from ourselves, but also from 'Big R'. We definitely missed having you there, and we all know that you played a big role in getting us ready for this race.

Thanks Richard!